Sexting is fun, but a real conversation where you can hear the voice of the person you are talking to is way hotter! Being able to hear the tone and inflection of speech allows for a deeper and more intimate connection from the beginning. With texting, it’s easy to be misinterpreted. Humor and sarcasm in particular don’t translate well with text, and can make for some awkward exchanges. While texting allows one to carefully peruse every word, the free flowing and spontaneous nature of conversation is lost. Also, some people just don’t express themselves well through written word. A person who is a witty conversationalist ‘in real life’ may come off boring or standoffish in text.
Phone sex chat is a great alternative to texting. With phone sex chat, you are speaking in real time to real people local to your area looking for spicy adult encounters over the phone. No paid professionals or scripted conversations, just open minded singles and couples looking for sexy phone fun! Not only does phone sex chat allow you to hear your play partner’s voice (and breathing, and moans) but a headset or even your phone’s speaker function will free your hands up for more pressing matters.
Phone sex chat is free to try and ladies are always welcome to chat in a real conversation for free so there’s never any shortage of curious sexed up kinksters on the line. Phone sex chat is 24/7 all access to people in your area looking for hot phone encounters with no strings attached. Keep the party limited to the phone, or schedule a meet up. Since it’s all local, anything is possible. The only requirement is being over 18. So if you want to try something different and give sexting the boot, call phone sex chat today! You’ll be glad you did!