Single moms aren’t afraid to ask what they want from a man. They’re upfront about whether they want a fling or to find true love.
But many men don’t believe that single moms are ready to commit. The biological noose, drama from exes and the worry that children will be a nuisance can hold them back.
1. Don’t Be Afraid to Smize
Whether soothing a toddler or cleaning up spilled cookie dough, a single mom is a built-in homemaker. This quality is what attracts many men to her.
Just be sure you don’t have any bad habits that would embarrass her in front of her kids. This includes habits like smoking, drinking and swearing. She will want to maintain a positive image with her children.
2. Don’t Be Afraid to Show Off Your Kids
Showing your interest in her children is a great way to show her that you’re interested in all aspects of her life. Just remember to be respectful of her privacy and only ask about her kids if she is comfortable with it.
A single mom will likely want to introduce you to her kids, if she is interested in you. Just be prepared for a busy schedule and some flexibility.
3. Don’t Be Afraid to Show Off Your Passions
Single moms are passionate about their kids, and this should be respected. If she brings her children around you it shows that she trusts you and that she’s ready to let you into her life in a more intimate way.
She may also crave some adult-style fun. This could include a kid-free dinner out or a night out without the sound of potty mishaps in the background.
4. Don’t Be Afraid to Be Honest
Most single moms have their acts together. They have careers, a grip on their personal finances and full social lives. That is catnip for many men.
If you are considering dating a single mom, you should be honest about your intentions and expectations for the relationship. This will ensure you both have a clear understanding from the start. It also helps avoid hurt feelings or misunderstandings.
5. Don’t Be Afraid to Show Off Your Style
OB/GYN Mindy Lahiri isn’t your average single mom. She has a successful career, a son, and an active social life.
A single mom’s lifestyle is catnip for men. However, it’s important to be honest from the start about what you’re looking for. That way, you can avoid future complications.
6. Don’t Be Afraid to Show Off Your Sense of Humor
Having a sense of humor can be an important part of your personality. Humor can also help relieve stress by changing your perspective on situations. For example, if you are able to laugh at yourself, this can make you feel more confident and capable. However, it is important to be aware of the difference between self-deprecating humor and a negative self-image. This type of humor can be viewed as insensitive or cruel.
7. Don’t Be Afraid to Show Off Your Strengths
Many single moms are resolute in their intentions and are looking for a commitment that’s right for them. They don’t have time for people who cancel at the last minute or don’t show up when they say they will.
A successful, well-adjusted single mom is catnip for men. They generally have their act together and are able to balance a career, children and a social life.
8. Don’t Be Afraid to Show Off Your Style
Hot single moms take the dating game seriously. They know that they have a lot on their plate and will not waste time with men who are not interested in long-term commitment.
When you date a single mother, be patient and plan dates that tap into her fun adult side. Also, understand that her schedule is often fluid and she may run late.
9. Don’t Be Afraid to Show Off Your Sense of Humor
Humor is one of the most powerful tools for diffusing tension. It can also boost your likeability and attractiveness.
Be careful not to offend others with your jokes. Test your humor on friends and family before you use it in social situations.
Laughing at your slight embarrassments and faults helps you see the funny side of life. It also helps you be able to handle the tough stuff.
10. Don’t Be Afraid to Show Off Your Strengths
Most single moms are built-in homemakers, ready to cook, clean and soothe. That soothing skills is catnip for a guy, as well as the ability to plan playdates and other social events.
Men who want a serious relationship with a sweet, confident woman should definitely consider dating a single mom! And remember to treat her well. She deserves it. She’s worked hard to be the mother her child needs.