The Spoleto Festival Calls for a Date
The Spoleto Festival might sound like something weird involving a whole bunch of spaghetti, but it’s actually a big drama festival that takes place in Charleston, WV. It is the...

No Phone Lines While Driving!
We want you to talk on our sex and dating chat lines safely. They are great places where you can meet any kind of person through talking on the line....

Find a Music Festival Babe for Sasquatch
The Sasquatch Music Festival isn’t something where everyone tries to learn calls to attract the mythical being. No, it’s something much more fun than that! It’s a music festival that...

How to Get a Guy to Like You (For the Ladies)
Girls using our free phone chat (yes, it’s completely free for the ladies!) might be wondering the best way to get a guy to like you over the phone. The thing...

How to Get to a Date
So, you’ve been talking on our phone chat line for dating for a while. You have someone special that you really like, but the dating is just not happening. How can...