Don’t Know What You Want? Try the Line
When you don’t know what you want from dating, sometimes it takes a bit of experience to find out. You have to try different things to meet people so you...

Too Busy for a Relationship? Call the Phone Line
These days so many people are always on the go. They have their jobs which take up the majority of their time, and then if you have one hobby or...

The Best Dating Advice: Just Be Yourself
When you are dating and in the singles pool, it seems like everyone has their piece of advice for you. Everyone wants you to try this and that, read this...

American Idol Singer Says: Don’t Compromise
Colton Dixon is a famous guy who got his start on American Idol, singing his heart out and showing people what he was made of in the competition. He recently...

Solve Your Quarter or Mid-Life Crisis
When people are around the age of 25, give or take a few years, they are often said to be having a quarter life crisis. Some more spiritual people refer to...