portrait of a happy woman in lingerie lying on the bed at home and talking on the phone

What You Can Find on Talk121

By Bhavani Kannan
July 17th, 2016

Booty calls are nice, and there is someone on here who wants one as badly as you. A booty call is when you have a friend who you get along...

beautiful happy young latina hispanic woman smiling and using her cell phone at home on her sofa

The Lost Art of Talking on the Phone

By Bhavani Kannan
July 16th, 2016

Talking is easy. You know how to talk, right? All you have to do is open your mouth and the words will come out. Think about some questions you want...

beautiful woman working on laptop

Pick the Best Pictures for Online Dating

By Bhavani Kannan
July 15th, 2016

Do the Power Poses. Any pose in a photo where you appear strong and confident is a winner. People like to see someone who knows what's going on and is...

photograph of happy and attractive man and woman couple wearing sunglasses and smiling in sunshine at the beach

The Dating Arc

By Bhavani Kannan
July 14th, 2016

The first date should be considered the interview. This is where you vet the person and see if you even like them or have anything in common. At the end...

Dating Tips You Wish You Knew Earlier

Dating Tips You Wish You Knew Earlier

By Bhavani Kannan
July 13th, 2016

Be Bold. Putting yourself out there is a good thing. When you were 20 you may have been scared to say what you really wanted in life. Now that you're...