romantic evening date in hotel room

Dating Tips: Create a Spark

By Bhavani Kannan
June 30th, 2016

On the phone: Focus on what the other person is saying and keep asking them questions about themselves. Find out what's important to them while getting out the things that...

african american business woman talking on a cell phone in front of an office building

What to Look For in a Date

By Bhavani Kannan
June 29th, 2016

People who don't play "hard to get" are ready for a relationship. Sure, games can be fun, but when it is time to get down to business, people are more...

a picture of a romantic couple with laptop in living room

Polish Up Your Social Media for Dating

By Bhavani Kannan
June 28th, 2016

Maybe you're single, but you've had a few flings or relationships in the past. If you're looking for a new date, keep those pictures of past lovers private. It's just...

beautiful young couple with glasses of red wine in luxury restaurant

Dating Myths Busted

By Bhavani Kannan
June 27th, 2016

Dating is not a skill that you have to learn by going on a bunch of first dates. You're already good at dating and you might not even know it...

Older couple taking a walk

Dating Tips for Older Singles

By Bhavani Kannan
June 26th, 2016

Being single when you’re older can be a great thing. Compared to when you were in your 20’s, you know so much more about yourself in your 40’s and 50’s....