This Swedish politician is bringing the song “Afternoon Delight” to reality for his employees in Sweden. A politician in northern Sweden wants to give employees in the area one-hour paid lunch breaks for sex. Yes. You read that right. A paid lunch break and you get to have sex, where is the application?
Per-Erik Muskos who is on the city council of Overtornea on the Arctic Circle has made “a serious and formal” proposal Monday to help promote families. Muskos says the proposal is great because sex is also a great form of exercise, so by allowing the employees to use their fitness hour to have sex he is getting a 2-for-1. He also added that the benefits of sex could improve employee morale within the office.
According to Muskos, the municipality’s 550 employees are going over his proposal before it is officially gone over by the city council in a few months. Surprisingly, there has been some negative responses to the proposal. Who wouldn’t want to get their freak on during work and get paid for it? Some negative reactions came from elderly employees who are embarrassed to talk to their other employees about banging in the bedroom during lunch hours.
This proposal is perfect for giving you time to call up our phone chat lines to meet up with a hot single who is looking to bang on their lunch break. Or you can hit up our phone sex lines and connect with someone for a little kinky talk. Not only are you getting paid to bust a nut, but also with our free trial for first time callers you can try it for free!
A lot of people call into our phone chat lines from the comfort of their home, but many actually call in from their office too. With this proposal of a one-hour paid lunch break to have sex you’re literally just a phone call away from getting off at the office.