5 Reasons You Should Choose Phone Sex Rather Than Webcams
April 2nd, 2019
chatting about sex over the phone requires a little more self-confidence than just typing on your computer’s keyboard. It calls for suave skills.

Make the Most of Your Messages on the Chat Lines
March 31st, 2019
Knowing how to send a message through an adult mobile chat is going to separate you from the rest. The art of sending messages is important.

Using Creativity as a Way to Sexually Relate to Others
March 28th, 2019
Using your creativity center as an adult is important so you can keep that way of thinking. Creativity is a big part of phone sex

Vampire Play as Role-Play on Phone Chat
March 26th, 2019
One fun role-playing game to play on the telephone chat line is vampires. One of you could be a vampire and the other person could be someone else.

Phone Fucking is Safe Sex
March 24th, 2019
Some people say no fucking is safe fucking but the phone dating party lines proves that not to be the case. You can have all kinds of phone sex