Use Your Smartphone To Eliminate Dangerous Noise Exposure
Chatlines aren’t just geeky ways of getting together in a virtual world to share gaming strategy. It isn’t just chatter, and more endless noise to increase your stress. Today’s phone...

Don’t Let Politics Interfere With Finding Love
Interestingly, dating can be just as difficult, especially when you have several potential partners to choose between. Fortunately, that’s just how it works when you phone date!

How Having Lots of Phone Sex can Boost Your Confidence
By doing so, you will likely gain confidence in the bedroom and can even try to see how you have improved by going on dates in-person. By having phone sex...

How to Keep Your Phone Friend Happy
There are many ways to keep your phone friends happy and this blog will go over some sure tell suggestions of how to do just that.

How Descriptive Language can get Anyone in the Mood for Phone Play
This blog is intended for people that are a part of the phone dating community and want some tips on how to use language to get phone lovers interested in...