Kinky Games to Play
Do you need some ideas for what to do with your new phone date? There are plenty of kinky things to try that you might find helps you hit those...

How Do We Keep The Gender Balance?
When you talk on our free trial chat line you will notice that there are a good number of guys and girls on the line. With many dating sites and...

Phone Charging Wars
Well if you are a frequent user of a chatline for dating then you know that some mobile phones simply charge faster than others. And some hold their charge a...

Chat Lines are Not Just for Grandma!
We’ve heard some people talking, OK? We’ve heard the talk that chat lines are just for old people who don’t know how to use the internet for online dating and...

Don’t Use Cell Phone Camera to Capture Eclipse
The eclipse is coming! It’s all anyone will talk about these days. If you’re here you probably are used to using your cell phone to talk on dating chat lines...