Online dating sites are full of chicks who really want to get money. They love it! They want to date and get taken out to dinners and have a good time because they really want you to buy them things and stuff like that. Some of them are brazenly looking for a sugar daddy to help them pay their rent. They aren’t shy to ask you to send them some dough or to buy them a gift card to prove you are for real. When you are done with that they want you to get them presents and treat them a certain way. It’s a lot for one guy to handle and then you don’t know if these chicks are in it for the money or because they really like you.
Well you’ll be glad to know our dating phone lines are made just for people like you who want to create authentic connections with someone. They are for people who are looking for a phone date that could turn into something real if the cards are right and they are for people who aren’t playing money games. You’ll notice that we let chicks join the site for free which is how we maintain the gender balance and that’s why there aren’t many of them who are looking for a handout!! These are real local girls who live right near you who want to play and they are always waiting to have a good time.
When you are feeling lonely or horny just turn on the chat line and pick up the phone. That will be a good way to say hello to your new future which includes a lot more sexual fun than you were having before! Especially on the phone lines, people are for real!