Whether you’re chatting on the phone on a Talk121 local chat line or meeting up in person for a first time date, creating a spark is neccesary to keep someone interested. It’s pretty easy to do this, if you just follow these simple and easy dating tips!
- The Greeting
On the phone: Keep it warm and leave enough silence to let the other person respond with a greeting. Things like, “Hi, how are you?” and “So nice to talk to you!” Are great openers that could lead to a spark.
On a date: Give a gentle hug, not a handshake. You’re not meeting with your boss, you’re meeting with a potential match, after all!
2. During the date/phone call
On the phone: Focus on what the other person is saying and keep asking them questions about themselves. Find out what’s important to them while getting out the things that are important for you. Remember to leave enough space for them to interject!
On a date: Don’t focus so much on what you’re doing, eg: how you’re sitting, the expression on your face or other factors, just focus on what your date is saying and make sure you are just relaxing and being yourself! Eye contact is also important.
3. At the end of the date/phone call
On the phone: If you’re interested, give your match your real phone number. That way you can talk on the phone and make plans to meet up for a date!
On a date: Give a hug goodbye or a kiss if that feels appropriate. If you can’t stop gushing inside about your date – tell them via text message that night or the next day! Make plans for date number 2 a few days after the encounter.
The basic dating tips still apply: just be yourself and have fun. That’s why we’re all here, right?