Entering the friendzone is easy. All you have to do is say hello, then become friends. Escaping the friendzone and becoming a prospective partner, though, is much more difficult. The friend zone is the difference between “boyfriend” and “guy friend”. It’s like putting you in the bro-zone, and it’s nearly impossible to escape, if you get in too deep. Thankfully, with a little guidance, escape is possible, though, and we will get you through it!
The easiest way to get out of the friendzone is to make your intentions clear from the beginning. Make sure you know that the object of your desire knows that you’re attracted to her, and you want to be more than friends. This can be a simple conversation, or it can be in the form of you asking her out on a date early on. Either way she knows you’re attracted to her, and you won’t be put in the friendzone quite so easily.
What do you do if you’re already in the friendzone, though, and you develop feelings later on? This is a bit trickier. Start by complimenting her in a way that a friend wouldn’t. This can be a simple compliment, such as “I love the way that outfit hugs your curves, it’s really sexy”. Don’t be creepy, but make it known that you appreciate her body. When you’re on the phone, try something like “I love the way your voice always sounds a bit seductive when we talk”. Again, don’t make it sound creepy, just slide the hint of interest into the conversation. You’ll put the idea in her head that you think of her as more than friends, and this will help you leave the friendzone and enter the “potential partner” list.
If she starts to reciprocate the flirty behavior, then you’ll know you’re on the right track! At that point, you can take it a step further! Ask her on a date. Slide into her DMs. Start talking about a steady relationship, or even something more casual, if that’s what you’re looking for. The relationship doesn’t have to start as something overly complicated or serious, and a serious, committed relationship is not for everyone. For the times that your relationship is purely on the phone, this can mean that you discuss talking to each other more often or more regularly, or even that you only talk to her exclusively.
In the rare instance that she completely repels your advances and makes it clear that she’s not interested in you in that way, then know when to move on. Not every relationship is a winner, but the next one might be. If your phone relationship doesn’t make you feel sparks or if she doesn’t make you want to jump her bones through the phone, then it’s okay to hang up and try a different date! The next one may be your perfect partner!
Escaping the friendzone is not impossible but dodging the friendzone is always easier. If you’ve worked your way into that zone, there is still hope for escape! Don’t give up and find the courage to make that next move! It will be worth it!