When you see futuristic movies you see people talking on phones that are no more than a transparent piece of paper that they can whip up out of the air whenever they want to. Well, LG is bringing that future closer to us because they want to show you how hot phone lines are going to work in the future. The company recently filed a patent for a foldable phone that could also work as a tablet. That shouldn’t be surprising because most tablets and phones these days are relatively similar. They have two ideas for a foldable phone. The first idea is a device that can fold in half and display the time on the front when it is closed. The second idea is similar but with a transparent sidebar that could display the time.
So, this is how you are probably going to talk on the phone in the future and the possibilities will be endless. Will people even remember when you had a landline phone that had a cord and some actual buttons to press? Will they remember how exciting it was when those thin flip phones came out or those Nokia standards? Probably not. But what they will remember is how amazing and fun it is to chat on hot phone lines at any time of day or night with local singles who are ready and raring to have a good time. You never know who you are going to meet on the phone line so pick up the phone and try it today!
There are always hot singles on the phone and they all want to have a good time. They are already waiting so don’t keep them waiting any longer. If you do they might already be chatting with someone fun!