If you live in the metropolitan New York area and will be available from the 19-30 of April this year, put on your film buff hat and head to the Tribeca Film Festival. It is one of the world’s most lauded film festivals as it was founded in 2002 by Robert DeNiro and some other Hollywood big wigs who were originally New Yorkers, as a way to revitalize the city after September 11th. It’s a big deal because about 3 million people come to the city just for the fest, and there are some awesome awards to be given out. However, it’s fun to watch films with yourself, but it’s even better with a date from the hottest local chat line.
Phone dating numbers are the best way to meet a fellow film fan who can accompany you to any of the screenings and will provide a great chat partner to discuss the films after you watch them together. It’s always fun to have a like minded person to chat about philosophy with after see a cool indie film at the festival. There’s always the chance to meet celebrities and rub shoulders with the elite at hot New York City parties when you attend, and you will definitely want a date for that.
The hottest local chat line is crawling with people who want to go with you to hot events in the city and make you look cool because you won’t be alone, in fact, you’ll be with someone who is quite worthwhile! Make it a whole weekend with your date and make them feel special by treating them to a whole bunch of fun, or split the whole affair. Whatever works for you, it all starts with calling the chat line and making a plan for the film fest.