Crossdressing is a form of gender expression that involves wearing clothing traditionally associated with the opposite sex. Generally speaking, people who crossdress are heterosexual and do not identify with the LGBTQ community.
They want to inhabit the experiences of a group of people they admire and are curious about. They might enjoy the erotic satisfaction of crossing their legs in tights or feeling a grey cotton bra strap encasing their breasts.
Getting to Know Their Gender
Gender confusion, also known as gender dysphoria, is a complex issue. It can range from sexual perplexity to transgender identity, or, as we at Focus on the Family Canada call it, “cross-dressing”.
In many cases, the person’s gender identity reflects their gender preferences, such as cross dressing or wearing clothing that is associated with another gender. People who dress that way might do so for a variety of reasons, including political motives, sexuality or just for fun.
Trying out different gender identities can be scary, but it doesn’t have to be. Having an understanding, open friend to take this journey with can make all the difference. Helping them find a community that embraces their gender diversity, standing up for them if they experience discrimination and encouraging them to read more about the topics of gender identity can also be helpful. You can even practice what you are going to say to them ahead of time, if that helps you feel more prepared.
Getting to Know Their Sexuality
Crossdressers can be a bit confused about their gender and sexuality. Gender is something most of us are taught from a young age, and we’re told there are two genders: men and women. People who don’t fit into these roles may feel confused or even confused and fearful about their experiences.
Getting to know your friend’s gender identity can help you better understand them. While it’s important to ask about their pronouns, it’s also important not to go too far. It’s best not to ask about their past, their dead name, or their genitals. It’s offensive and makes them feel uncomfortable.
Gender identity is a complex issue, and there’s no one answer that fits everyone. But you can be there for your friend by asking questions, supporting their activism, and being open to exploring their gender. They will appreciate the support. And you’ll be learning more about a fascinating part of the world! Then you can go out together to see a show, have some cocktails, or have a movie night.
Getting to Know Their Pronouns
If your friend is transgender, you should use they/them/theirs pronouns unless they specifically tell you to not do so. This is an easy step to take and will make them feel validated. If you’re not sure what their pronouns are, it’s best to ask them or check their social media.
Non-binary people often prefer to be referred to using gender neutral pronouns like they, ze, xe, or others. Those with a more masculine identity may want to be called He/him, and women may prefer to be called She/her. This is also common for crossdressers.
Don’t ever call a person by the wrong pronouns, and don’t be afraid to correct someone else if you’ve used the incorrect ones. It’s a small way to show respect, and it can help prevent hurt feelings. In addition, never ask a trans or non-binary person what their genitals are, as this can be very offensive and is a form of misgendering.