Creating the perfect persona on the phone can be almost as important is who you are as a person in real life. You should have the opportunity in life to be exactly who you want to be, even when it’s not physically possible. Sexy phone chats are the perfect place to be that tall, sexy hunk, since your partner can’t actually see you. This means you can be anyone you want, if only for a little while! The freedom is exhilarating!
Creating that perfect persona can be done on the spot, if you’re good at that sort of thing, or it can be done in advance, if you’re a nervous type of person. Whatever you choose, there are a few basics that you’ll want to cover when deciding the person you want to be!
Start with the basics and create your physical look. How tall are you? What color are your hair and eyes? What are you currently wearing? How well-endowed are you? If you’re running short on ideas, find a picture of your celebrity crush and take some traits from them! Combine your favorite attractive people and create a new, perfectly attractive person that embodies who you want to look like.
Decide who you are as a person. Are you brave, daring, and outgoing? Are you sweet and shy? What are your biggest personality traits? Are you kind, shy, and submissive, or will you be demanding and dominating while you take charge of the situation and what you’re doing? Give yourself or your character the personality traits that you wish you had and stick with it. These are the traits that will breathe life and believability into your phone persona.
Create your back story and decide who you want to be on the inside. Where are you from and where do you live? What do you enjoy doing? Are you a gamer, or are you more outdoorsy? Do you live with your hot porn star partner, or are you single and ready to mingle? These little details will help you figure out what kinds of choices your character might make, and will help with realism in your own imagination.
Create your scenery and location. Where are you, or where will you imagine you are? What type of furniture is in the room with you? What is the temperature? Are the lights on or off? What music is playing? What does the air smell like? Use plenty of descriptors and make the scene feel real to your partner. Don’t forget to use all the senses when describing, too, to increase the realism of your setting.
Creating the perfect character for your sensual phone chat doesn’t have to be overly complicated or detailed. Some people prefer to have an intricately curated character when they are nervous, since it gives them something to focus on and they aren’t as shy. Some people want to be someone else, and roleplay is half the fun of anonymous phone sex! If you are able to create details as you go, then that’s awesome, too! Don’t forget the details, though, so you can give yourself and your partner the best phone sex possible, and you’ll both want to keep coming back for more!