When you are looking for a hookup or a date on a Talk121 local chat line, you probably have something in mind of what you’re looking for. You might be looking for something for tonight, or maybe you’re looking for Mr. or Mrs. right. You want a good outcome that results in you going on a date, and possibly more, but sometimes putting too much pressure on the situation can feel forced and uncomfortable. Here are some tips for a successful, low pressure phone call.
- Be in the moment. Before you pick up the phone take a breath and relax. Focus on being yourself and the qualities you’re looking for in a date, but not what you want the end result to be. That way, when you do talk to someone, you will be focused on what they’re saying and will be able to figure out if you like them or not.
- Talk about the present. A first phone call or first date is too soon to talk about the future, so talk about the present. Talk about what you want to do in the next week, not that you’d like to get married next year! It’s more likely that a person will want to participate in your exciting schedule in the near future, rather than be excited about a far off goal that you have.
- Stick to your goals. If your ultimate goal is to find a hook up, but the person you’re talking to wants more than that, don’t change your goal unless it feels completely natural. Listen to your inner voice because that is the one that knows what you really want. People are really good at ignoring their intuition, but that can get you into trouble. Go with the gut and you will find you are happy with the results!