Talking on a local chat line to a potential love match for the first time can be just like talking to a friend on the phone. It’s nice that you can meet new people from the comfort of your own home, using your phone, while sitting in your sweatpants. It’s great to get to know someone without having to spend lots of dough on dinners and drinks, without even having to plan an outfit.
When you talk on the phone with someone for the first time, it’s pretty easy to make things go smoothly. The first piece of advice that anyone would give a first time chatter is to stay relaxed. This will help you represent yourself in the most honest way possible, and being yourself is the best way to find a partner for you. How do you stay relaxed on a chat? It’s easy, just take a breath before you talk. This will give you the time to think about what you’re going to say.
Next, just remember that the person on the other end of the line is someone who is looking for love just like you. You might be looking for marriage material or just a date for tonight, and so some people think of first phone calls as interviews. However, others find it more helpful to think of a first phone call as more of a chat between new friends. That mode of thinking helps chat line users stay relaxed, which as mentioned before, will give you the best chance of being honest and just being who you are.
If you want to meet someone special in a whole new way, try a local chat line. You can talk to people on the phone before you meet them which is a great way to see if there is any type of chemistry!