This blog explores the signs to look for to be sure the woman you’re speaking to is interested in mobile phone sex. It may seem difficult because you only have people’s voices to make a determination but as soon as you realize the signs, you’ll know if she’s into exploring sexually with you. The first thing to consider is what you’ve been talking about with her. How long have you been on the phone and what topics does she seem to relate to you well? By being observative, you can notice small things like if she laughs at your jokes or if she shares any personal information. And once you start noticing things about how your conversation is flowing, you will likely be able to make a determination on whether she wants to have a dirty conversation with you.
The other thing is you can always just be direct and ask her. If she’s not into trying live phone sex with you, you can always choose to end the call and redial the free phone sex trial hotline to speak with another person. There are hundreds of people available on the chat lines at any given time so if one person isn’t a good match for you, it’s likely the next person you speak to will be.
The first step to listening to sexy women get off is to pick up your mobile phone and dialing into the chat lines. You will be instantly connected to someone new and then can take a few moments getting to know one another. Usually, within that timeframe, you will be able to determine if you’re on the same page.
Some other signs to be aware of with ladies on mobile phone sex is whether she drops any small hints that she is interested in taking things to a sexual place. You can also drop hints and listen to how she responds.