Sadly, the honeymoon phase doesn’t last forever for couples, eventually sex becomes less important in long-term relationships. When this happens couples in their 20s or 30s hope that something will fire back up the sex in the relationship, but it doesn’t always happen. Even though couples want to believe that sex isn’t really spontaneous. Even during the honeymoon phase, sex can be planned like when you go on a romantic dinner or have a certain “hump” day.
The truth is, if you don’t make sex a priority in your relationship, your sex life can unintentionally fall by the wayside. So, here are 9 ways to make sure sex always remains high on your to-do list. Let’s take a trip down memory lane and give you ways to spike up your sex life. You can have more sex this way!
Prioritize Pleasure Over Sex
It’s not all about chasing your next orgasm, and when one of partners in the relationship does it can cause anxiety over having sex. When you’re just looking for an orgasm you forget what sex is all about, there are so many pleasures besides the big O. There is emotional pleasure and physical pleasure all before you end the night with an orgasm. When you are obsessed with coming it can turn partners off and make them feel as if there performance isn’t good without giving their partner an orgasm.
Make Time
Everyone in a relationship always has a busy schedule if it’s work, taking care of a loved one or running errands. It’s healthy to make time for sex instead of waiting spontaneously for sex. There are many tips in making time like setting your alarm 30 minutes early or go to bed early, being rested has a lot to do with sexual desires. You can also make it a point to start having more sex, putting your foot down and making it a new habit in your everyday life.
Try Even If You’re Not In The Mood
First off, never be forced to have sex if you don’t want to, we aren’t advocating that. But role-play and sexually stimulating your partner before sex could get you two in the mood. Role-play and warming up to sex usually leads to a better bang and could even get a little more kinky then usual. Women usually need some type of stimulation to get aroused, so maybe rubbing up her inner thigh during dinner can get you both running into the bedroom.
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