No one needs to tell you how intimidating it is to step into the swinger community for the first time. It’s easy to talk about going to a sex party and getting it on. Your vanilla friends root you on from the sidelines while wishing they had the opportunity to try, too. What you need is some validation on how hard it can be. It’s so much easier to say you’re a swinger than it is to actually build it into your lifestyle. Rather than try to make yourself be comfortable in a huge party setting, use Talk121 as your first step.
You can chat with other new swingers and get advice from experienced lifestyle people. Chatting with other pineapple people is your best first step to getting into the swing of things. You can even make friends so that you can walk into your first party with a buddy on the phone with you. Talk121 is the best way to explore your sexual life with others while feeling comfortable doing it all for the first time. Chat with new swinger friends about the things you’re too nervous to ask experienced players. Find out how they have been handling things through their first few play sessions.
When you talk to other new swingers, you’ll find a lot of support and cheering for you to get out there. New players are like a mini community inside of the pineapple lifestyle. While the lifestyle itself is exceptionally welcoming, you might still struggle with the thought of an open invitation to go play. It’s all fun and games, but you still need a little bit of know-how in order to have the best time possible. Chat with others who have had to find things out on their own because they only just started calling Talk121.
If everyone called the chatline before going out to a pineapple party, there would be a lot sexier play with new people. Get comfortable in your new style of fun by making friends before going to a group hang out. Talk121 is the best first step as a new swinger. You can get out all of your nerves and in-depth questions before going out to find more pineapples. Get an idea of exactly what you’re getting yourself into. Sure, you can play around and get sexy on the phone, but you can learn a lot, too. You can pick up a lot of tips and tricks while sharing your own. New swingers have to stick together as you figure things out. It’s a lot easier to join a community full of sex and fun when you have friends in your corner without ever needing to meet anyone in person!