Yet another study has recently come out which shows why online dating is just not that good for you, and gives you even more fodder for why you should try phone dating instead. Besides the obvious facts that phone dating is easy to do since you just have to pick up the phone to get instantly connected to a hot single who wants to bang near you, instead of waiting for some chick to message you back and you don’t even know if she is real or not, phone dating is better due to the findings of this study. The study shows that online dating is bad for your self esteem. It makes sense. When you just swipe past people to find them, then every non-response is basically a rejection.
Well, now it’s time to try something else. If you’ve been feeling down and out or kind of depressed, you would want to try phone dating. This is something that could lift you up instead of tear you down. The people on the phone are so friendly and they want to talk to you. If you don’t want to risk your mental health with online dating, or fall into the other pitfalls of online dating, then you should pick up the phone. We have a local phone number line for every single city in the US and many of the cities in Canada. If you don’t see your place listed, just let us know and we’ll add it as soon as we have enough requests from sexy singles near you.
The cool thing is that on the phone lines there are people who want to bang in real life so you can get an actual improvement in your sex life. If it’s been a while since you banged in person, this could make your life better.