When you are chatting on our free chat line you might be wondering what you can say to get the conversation started in the direction that you would like. You will probably be wondering what you could do to get things steered towards the sexy direction that will lead to you getting what you want – a hot evening of phone sex and dirty talk with someone special whether that is a phone favorite or a new friend. All it takes to start a conversation is one sentence so here are some ideas.
- A compliment
You don’t know what they look like but just saying something like “You sound sexy” can get the conversation going strong. Making someone feel good is always a good path to sexy times and it can make you go pretty far. Perhaps you could even get someone into your own bed at home and in person!
2. Be appreciative
Saying thank you is very sexy. That is a way to let someone know that not only are you hot to trot but you also know your manners. Appreciation can get you very far when it comes to this sort of thing so make sure that you say your please and thank you!
3. Let them know you’re lonely…and in bed
Start with what you’re wearing and then get to what you’re doing. Tell them you’re lonely and in bed waiting for someone to come over. That is one sure fire way to get someone interested in your situation. If you need to have a good time with someone, being honest and open with what you want is the best thing to do. Don’t try to be sneaky with asking them to come over and watch a movie or something like that. Just be real!