Yes, they did a lot! After all, what’s best than having dirty conversations with someone you find hot? Monica Lewinsky was an intern at the White House when she had an affair with the President in the ‘90s. Now she’s an anti-bullying activist and TV personality, and she has a bachelor’s degree in psychology.
Even if their affair may sound quite chaste today in 2019 (no penis-in-vagina sex, only blow jobs and petting), it was a big scandal back then: Bill Clinton, however, kept being the President of America.
Of course, the two secret lovers liked to have phone sex too: Monica herself admitted that she had dirty conversations with the President on more than one occasion. Sadly, her hot sex chat with Clinton had more serious consequences than the ones we usually have on our favorite phone sex number.
Unfortunately, the two lovers’ dirty words were recorded and used by the Israeli Prime Minister to try blackmailing the President. So, the dirty affair with the sexy intern ended up becoming a serious threat to national security. The Prime Minister of Israeli wanted to threat Clinton to convince him to release Jonathan Pollard, an American spy for the enemy that had been caught and jailed.
But the two White House lovers didn’t only get dirty over the phone. While they didn’t have full intercourse, probably for moral reasons or feelings of guilt, they liked to play seriously sexy games. And now, more than 20 years later, Monica is brave enough to talk openly about her affair with the President, and about how she was misrepresented as “vixen” or “blowjob queen” after the scandal.
She took part in the movement #MeToo, tweeting the hashtag without explicitly explaining why. Only later she explained that she was referring to her affair with Clinton, that led her to post-traumatic stress disorder after the scandal became mainstream.
She took part in a documentary, The Clinton Affair, to teach other young girls how to avoid what she’s been going through. She’s had several collaborations with Vanity Fair, and she admitted that if she could meet Hillary, she would tell her how much she feels sorry for what happened.