Last night I was tossing and turning in my bed. I eventually got up and was browsing the internet and saw an intriguing ad about the phone sex kinky chat. I decided to give it a try and wow, I am so glad that I did. As soon as I dialed in, I was connected to a sexy lady who was obviously wet. She told me that she was completely naked and standing in front of a mirror in her bedroom. She told me that she wishes that I was there to just stare at her too. I immediately became excited and asked her if she was used to having phone sex live with others. She said she’s tried it a handful of times and each experience was extremely different. She told me that the best way to ease into it is to tell her one of my favorite fantasies. So I revealed that I always wanted to have sex under water. It got better from there and let’s just say that I did find nirvana and sleep last night.
Your fantasies can become reality as well by involving yourself in phone play. It’s easy, safe, and a fun way to connect with others in the community. Pick up your mobile phone and dial one of the phone sex trial numbers to get started. Then you will be connected to someone new. The chatlines are open 24/7 so you can dial in whenever you’re free to do so. You can experience phone sex with local girls and guys or you can meet people from other wakes of life, countries, and socioeconomic status.
There is no wrong way to experience phone sex. So long as you’re interested as well as your phone pal then you should go for it! You can try out role-playing scenarios, listen to what your phone friend likes sexually, or just be in the moment. And if you call in soon you can take advantage of the free trial.