Would you expect a phone sex operator to get bored with their job just like most people feel about their jobs every once in a while? You’ll be surprised to learn that plenty of phone sex operators get the job because they are fascinated with live phone sex. In this blog post, we hear from a few different phone sex operators who reveal why they love phone play and their best phone sex experiences to date. As you can imagine, these lovely people who chatted with us want to remain anonymous just like when you dial into the free phone chat services, you talk with people anonymously.
Just in case, it’s your first time learning about the phonesex hotline, here are the basics to get started. All you have to do is pick up a mobile device and dial one of the chat room numbers to call and the operator will directly connect you with someone new. Then have a light-hearted chat for a few minutes and see how you connect with your new phone pal. If for one reason or another, it’s not a good match, say goodbye and end the call. You can always redial into the phone chat platform and spark up a chat with someone new. One important thing to keep in mind is to have fun and be yourself because should you do so, people will connect with you who like you for you.
Phone sex operator 1
“I love phone sex. It’s a great way to get creative and sexual and I know I can always use my voice to explore new things. That’s why when I learned that my favorite phone sex hotline was hiring, I immediately stopped what I was doing to apply. A few days later, I received a call and got the job! This has seriously been the strangest and most weird job experience to date.’
Phone sex operator 2
“My first phone sex experience was a BDSM encounter. I surprised myself too find out how much I liked that kind of play and enjoyed it so much that I applied to become an operator of the platform.”