When you are planning a first date it is always best to pick a location that you and your potential match will enjoy. You probably know a bit about them, so you can pick an activity based on your mutual interests. But there are some other factors to consider when choosing where to have your first date with someone you met on a Talk121 local chat line.
1. Noise factor. For your first date you will probably want to talk a lot. Choose someplace that is not too noisy so you can talk without having to yell in each other’s faces the whole time. An intimate cafe or candlelit restaurant might do the trick. Places where you can’t talk usually are better for a 2nd or 3rd date – like the movies or a fun concert.
2. Choose a familiar place. If you want to feel like you’re on your home turf for your first date, then you should pick somewhere that you’ve been before. A neighborhood favorite is always good for a first date because then you’ll be close to home in case you want to take things back to your place, and you will know that the place is quite good.
3. Think seating. When choosing a cafe or restaurant pick a place that has seating where you can have the option to look at your date but also to sit next to them if you want to get closer. This will give you lots of options for what to do with your date based on how things go, and that will make you a whole lot happier!
All you have to do to get started on this dating journey is to pick up the phone and find someone you want to chat with on a local chat line for your area!