More Sex

How to Keep a Conversation Going

By Bhavani Kannan
July 14th, 2017

When you are talking on a phone line you may be worried that the conversation will go stale. This is only a natural worry but you might be surprised at...

phone chat dating for free

The New is in: Dating Apps Make You Sad

By Bhavani Kannan
July 12th, 2017

According to a survey done at the University of Rhode Island, it turns out that those swipey dating apps don’t actually make you happy or make dating easier. They surveyed...

Mobile Phone Chat Lines

Chicks: Take Control of Your Dating Life

By Bhavani Kannan
July 12th, 2017

If you’re a woman, you are probably used to guys asking you out. You don’t have to do much work and you just take whatever comes your way, but you...

Casual Sex

To Send the Dick Pic or Not

By Bhavani Kannan
July 6th, 2017

When chatting on a telephone chat line for singles, you may get someone’s real actual phone number. This is only natural because as you get to know someone you begin...

Morning Sex

When is Dating Exclusive? When is it not?

By Bhavani Kannan
July 4th, 2017

When you are doing all sorts of things to meet someone special you might try things like online dating or phone chat dating like what we offer here. You might...