A new study reveals that sex could be as valuable as performance enhancing drugs. It not only makes you feel like Superman, but it could make you as strong as him too! The study was done by sex toy company Adam and Eve, with athletic coach Mike Young, who is also a coach. The study looked at 21 athletes both male and female. They monitored their sex life, including self pleasure, as well as their workouts for a period of three weeks and the findings were undeniable. Scientists hypothesize that it is the hormones that get released during orgasm that make athletes able to perform better. The chemicals released include Norepinephrine, which increases bloodflow and alertness, and oxytocin, the natural inspiration for a synthetic steroid taken by some athletes. The study also found that an athlete’s belief about their sex enhancing their performance was an important factor. If the person believed that having sex would make them perform better, they would do better. If they were more pessimistic, things wouldn’t be so good.
So, if you’re here on Talk121 looking for a hook up, you might want to hit the gym the next day after you find that perfect booty call. Don’t hesitate if you’ve got a race to run or a triathlon to win. Make sure you get the most out of your Talk121 experience! It’s an added benefit of hooking up that you probably never even thought of before. You may not have been looking for someone to help you fix things up at the gym, but now the possibility is here. Plus, you’ll burn extra calories when you are doing the nasty, especially if you like to do it rough and vigorously.