When you are looking for a job you probably think that you can’t find something exciting. You will probably settle for something boring that will keep you tied down to a desk all day and not in the fun way! Well, here is a new job that someone out there is doing that you could do too if you wanted to. It is called a sex toy reviewer and all you have to do for that job is review sex toys! Once you have gotten yourself established you can even create your own website and do it there. Huffington Post profiled one sex toy reviewer and here are some highlights of what she loves about her job.
Her name is Cara Sutra, which is a play on the karma sutra – the legendary sex book from India. She started reviewing sex toys back in 2005 after she was fed up with her job in the banking industry. She started by offering realistic reviews on one of her favorite sex toy brand’s sites, Love Honey. From there she realized she had a gift for making sex toy dreams come true and she started her own website with reviews, sex advice and more. She mostly makes money from on-site ads and consulting with sex toy companies, but it all stems from her love of reviewing sex toys.
So, how can you make this dream a reality, well it is a lot of hard work but one way to start would be to get comfortable with talking about sex. You can do that by using a sexy chat line to find likeminded friends who want to get it on with you. They will make sure that you have a good time and get your tongue a good workout with talking as dirty as you want. Now go make your sex toy dreams come true!