When it comes to dating, most people discover that using a telephone chat line is a totally new and refreshing experience, if they haven’t tried it before. They love it because they get to talk to someone for as long as they want on the phone before they ever get to enjoy each other’s presence in person, making for fun conversations and getting to know someone before you see what they look like. However, when you start talking to someone, there are some outdated dating “rules” that might hold you back. Don’t follow these myths!
- Myth: Being too available is a turn off. Truth: Being available is great! It is a sign that you could be a supportive and fun partner who is ready for anything. When you’re chatting on the line using chat numbers, be available to show someone you’re interested.
- Myth: Don’t give out too much info to appear mysterious. Truth: Especially when talking on the phone is the way you are getting to know someone, talking about your life is pretty important! Of course only give out the information that you feel comfortable giving over the phone, but don’t hold anything back to try to seem “cool.” Otherwise the other person might lose interest and think you are weird. Just be natural and normal in order to snag that date.
- Myth: Say you’re busy, even if you’re not. Truth: It’s never a good idea to lie to a potential match no matter how small you may think that lie is. If you’re not busy, but don’t want to hang out, just say that you’re not feeling like going out that evening. No need to cover up the truth with a lie, especially when it is that simple.
There you have it, some solid dating tips for use on the telephone chat line.