Why Chatlines are Better than Relationships

By Holly McClain
July 21st, 2022

In a post-pandemic world, as everything reopens, so does the dating world. Dating opportunities are becoming a possibility, again, as everyone begins leaving their homes, going to events, and meeting new potential partners. Since the start of the pandemic, though, many people have discovered alternatives to in-person relationships, and phone chat lines have become increasingly popular. They’ve become so popular, in fact, that they may be proving to be more gratifying than face-to-face relationships. What are the benefits of these chat lines, though, and are they really better for your lifestyle?

With chat lines, you have the freedom to be who you want and look however you want. There are more muscles on a phone chat line than there are in a gym, and everyone is sexier when you get to be whoever you want. This means you can meet your dream partner without ever leaving your room, and you can talk to them whenever you want, since there are no time constraints on chatting over the phone.

You aren’t the only model, either. Your partner can look however you imagine them! Whether they’re a small waisted, busty woman, or a bronze bodybuilder with washboard abs, you imagination can dream up the perfect partner without the possibility that they’ll ruin the image in your head. Everyone looks better in your mind than in real life.

Chatlines don’t care if you have multiple partners. In fact, it’s almost expected that you have multiple people that you prefer to have an intimate relationship with over the phone, and there is no jealousy or stigma against multiple chatline partners. You can get as wild as you want!

When it comes to phone chat dating, you have the freedom to come and go as you please, without getting in trouble with your date. Whether you want to chat during your lunch break, or at one in the morning, there is always someone ready and willing to chat you up and satisfy your every desire whenever you want them to! And if you don’t want a second date with your current partner, then no hard feelings!

You can find a different partner more easily if you don’t click with someone. Not everyone is compatible, and that’s okay! A different partner is only a call away, and there are no hurt feelings if you don’t click with your current partner on a personal level.

Phone sex and relationships are safer than in-real-life dating and sex. You can’t catch and STD from a phone sex stranger, and meeting strangers in real life can always be a dangerous situation, especially for women. Keeping your relationships on the phone is safer, with all the satisfaction of a normal long-distance relationship.

The world may be opening up again, but that doesn’t mean we have to stop doing some of the fun things we’ve discovered – or rediscovered – while on lockdown. There’s a reason the chatline industry has lasted as long as it has, and the benefits far outweigh those of the dating world outside.