Women love being on top and riding the dick or even a strap on if they are by themselves. When they are riding a penis on top it also them to reach the max orgasm because they control everything from how deep they want it in them and the speed of the penetration. Majorly, the women can play with my clitoris while on top. Most women need both penetration and clitoral stimulation to come, so being on top is the best of both worlds.
It doesn’t have to be like a porn, but there are many ways to spice up your sex life especially when dealing with go to position of missionary. Even though it’s probably the most intimate position, missionary sex can be rather boring for both parties involved. When you’re having sex with someone on, there are many different things you can do to increase the pleasure, below are some tips and new sex positions to try out when on top.
The Butt Lift: So you’re on top, now place your hands under your partner’s butt and lift your partner up. This move alters the direction of your partner’s pelvis, which is great for penetration when dealing with a penis and a vagina. The penis can get and adds more sensation in the direction of the cervix. This means a much better orgasm for the woman!
Easy Access: Being on top makes it real easy for stimulating touching of the nipples and clitoris, which both increase pleasure and orgasms. The combination of penetration and sexy touching are a must for most women, approximately three-quarters of women need clitoral stimulation to have an orgasm.
Cowboy: A very popular position for on top fun where the woman rides the man’s penis while sitting straight up on the penis. It’s another way for women to stimulate the clit while penetrating and riding the penis. Women an also take control of the speed and depth of penetration. If you get in the right position you can actually have a G-spot orgasm if you maneuver the direction correctly.
All these are super sexy spinoffs of missionary sex and adds a little more spice to your sex life. Missionary sex is great because it’s so intimate, you can kiss and have eye contact while banging. There is definitely someone waiting in your area for you to call and climb up on top and ride it like a pony.