Are you wondering how sex is going to change in the future? Well if your answer is yes then you need to attend the International Congress on Love and Sex with Robots. This year was the third annual conference for people to come together to discuss sexbots, our future lovers. Last year was more about what could happen – the technological possibilities. However, this year was more devoted to what people think about the robots. While we do have the power to create robots how we want them, once we give them artificial intelligence, they may learn some undesirable behaviors like how to fight us or how to make us mad. It does make them even more realistic but isn’t the point of a robot that you can just fuck it and shut it off?
If you’re thinking what we are thinking which is that “Haven’t any of these people seen any robot move ever?” then you are also wondering how long it is going to take for the robots to take over. If you do not think that fucking robots is a great plan then you should try another method for getting your sexual needs met. This is a free trial chat line which is where you can pick up the phone and get connected for free to anyone you want to talk to. You can talk about the hottest things or just get to know someone. There are people who want to go out on a date or just have a hot hook up. It’s whatever you want and you can find it here.
There are all sorts of people on the phone line and you will not believe how easy it is to pick one of them up for a good time. A free trial chat line is the hottest place to find a new love or lust interest.