The older you get, you find, the smaller your social circle becomes. Even though your phone seems to expand your global reach, and the world seems so much smaller, all of a sudden, you are aware of a major lack in real community. You recall the old days, before everyone had cell phones, when neighbors actually stopped by to visit. You made plans, dressed up and showed up, and had a really engaging time with friends! Local businesses thrived, thanks to regulars and special occasion get-togethers! You knew your neighbors, and you knew your neighborhood like the back of your hand. Things are so different, nowadays.
Because of that phone, you seldom venture out of your comfortable routines, and your house has become a sanctuary you never seem to leave. You don’t want to be alone, yet your dating options have become seriously limited, thanks to being able to do everything in cyberspace. Everything but experience real love and new friendships, that is. No one wants to head into a new part of town, surrounded by strangers, hoping to find a friendly face in the crowd. To just put yourself out there, and hope to meet someone special by coincidence or divine providence. Your fear of dying alone is only reinforced by today’s technology driven culture.
The good news is, you can use that technology to find exactly what you miss about the past! Phone dating lets you expand your social circle and meet new people before you venture up off the couch and out of the house. All you have to do is dial in, and you’ll be immediately connected to other singles in your area. Meet a bunch of people on a chatline, or just select a special few with whom you’d like to connect, and spend some quality time actually conversing! Share stories, hopes, desires with someone who needs your attention and genuine interest as much as you need theirs!
Eventually, you will meet several locals who will inspire you to reroute your GPS from its work-to-home routine, and to go out and have some real life fun! Because there’s still so much more to life than our routines, our domestic responsibilities, the ho-hum of the status quo. There are thousands of people waiting to meet you, and to share in the adventures this life has to offer – and you can start from the comfort of your couch, by simply dialing in! Like a butterfly, you’ll be so grateful to get out of the cocoon of the life you’ve made for yourself, stretch your wings, and flit and flirt like you did 20 or 30 years ago! Grab at life, by grabbing your phone! Make the call!!